Government guidance for event organisers and venues in England has been updated and as expected places focuses on risk assessment.
(England moves to Step 4 on 19 July.)
Find the full details on the government website regarding event planning
Professional event planners and venue managers should read and familiarise themselves thoroughly with the new guidance.
Here's a summary of key points below:
Recommended that people should continue to wear masks or face coverings in crowded and enclosed settings (but no longer required by law)
The Government advises they will “work with organisations that operate large, crowded settings where people are likely to be in close proximity to others outside their household to encourage the use of the NHS Covid Pass,” which is part of the NHS app.
(Currently no legal mandate to use the NHS app as proof of Covid-19 vaccination, negative test - but further updates expected)
Track and trace
Venues do not have to ask customers to check in or turn them away if they refuse and are no longer required to collect customer contact details, or keep a record of staff and visitors. But they encourage event venues to continue to display an NHS QR code for customers wishing to check in using the app.
Social distancing
Social distancing rules cease to exist from 19 July. Event organisers and event venues are asked to still consider providing floor markings and and other event crowd management methods to prevent overcrowding.
Event planners should discuss any measures to manage risk, such as opening windows to increase ventilation or additional cleaning strategies with their venues.
Risk Assessment
More important than ever, your risk assessments should take into account measures to protect staff and attendees. The government provides a template here