We are delighted to announce that The Event School London has officially become a partner of The Power of Events.
This innovative and ambitious project will highlight the impact of events in the UK, and bring small and large event organisations together to collaborate on initiatives from Skills and Future Talent Development, to Governance, Communications, Digital and Research.
"The Power of Events is a not-for-profit organisation founded in 2022 to answer the challenge – where’s the ONE place any current, next-generation event professional, national media or government can go to explore a map of the breadth and value of our UK Events Industry – gain insight, support, data and connections to the appropriate communities? Where is the one place the events industry is showcased in all of its glory?"
Learn more at www.thepowerofevents.org
The POWER of EVENTS (UK) is an organisation with a Taskforce and Action Groups with members that are representative across the 7 core sectors of the industry.
"Our mission is to showcase the UK Events Industry.
We will define the 7 core event industry sectors across the 4 Nations and showcase the power of their social, cultural & economic contributions to our country.
This platform will be built on collaboration, representation & collective impact. It will map the breadth and expertise of the UK events industry and its supporting communities.
This will be underpinned with an evolving depth of credible data and trend analysis, that engages and benefits all current and future event professionals, and enables all stakeholders to understand, respect and value the power of events."