We asked Corporate Events Specialist Petta Naylor how she got her start in the event industry and why she loves her work.

Petta is pictured 4th from the left with her team at the Prudential Ride London Event
“I started out through the secretarial route helping my boss organise events. It soon became apparent that I was better at it than him, and so he gradually passed the reins over to me to undertake all the events.
I was very fortunate to have such a good mentor and within a few years I was able to apply and successfully get a job as an events manager.
I was lucky to have had the opportunity of organising a lot of high profile events for many years. It was through the confidence gained organising these events that I decided to go it alone, and set up my own business which has been operating for nearly 12 years now.
I still love every day and the interaction with clients.
The satisfaction when they are delighted with the event you have produced is priceless”
Petta Naylor is the Director of Start2Finish Events and has worked on Events such as:
The Young Ambassadors Conferences
The Market Research Society's Conference
The British Sports Awards
The 10th International Short Break Conference
Petta offers her time to develop talent within the events industry by leading on event management courses such as the:
Certificate in Event Management, Summer School 2018
Certificate in Corporate Event Management, Sept 2018